• Ivana Đurić: “I transmit my energy through the instrument!

    Ivana Đurić: “I transmit my energy through the instrument!0

    Ivana Đurić was born in Sarajevo in 1984. She studied music in BiH and France. Traditional Bosnian music is a big part of her interest and work. In addition, she is engaged in classical music, theatre and film music. She lives in Sarajevo. Why did you become an artist? My parents recognised my musical talent

  • Amira Pertesi: “My art gives women back courage and freedom!”

    Amira Pertesi: “My art gives women back courage and freedom!”0

    Amira Pertesi was born in Sarajevo, but has lived in Austria since she was 14. Nevertheless, to this day she is very attached to her home country. She has been working as a designer since 2016. Her very first collection was enthusiastically received and published in the most renowned magazines in the region. In addition

  • Adis Lukač: “The message of art should be transnational and universal!”

    Adis Lukač: “The message of art should be transnational and universal!”0

    Adis Lukač was born in Sarajevo, where he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts. His main focus is on sculpture and painting. He is the creator of several important works by personalities of the country, such as Tvrtko I Kotromanić, the first king of the medieval kingdom of Bosnia, or Mirza Delibašić, one of

  • Between Inferno and Paradiso

    Between Inferno and Paradiso0

    No matter where in the world – there are few artists who can sit back and relax because they can make a good, carefree living from their art. What is it like in economically weaker countries like Bosnia-Herzegovina? Let’s start with the good news: the art scene is diverse and very active. Some artists are


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MOHÁCS | Eindrücke vom Donau Fisch-Festival im ungarischen Mohács. ... See MoreSee Less
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DZM | "Budapest in 4 Tagen - eine Erkundung": sehenswerte Kabinett-Ausstellung im Donauschwäbischen Zentralmuseum in Ulm!#dzmulm ... See MoreSee Less
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SLOWAKEI | Rückblick auf die fünfjährige Amtszeit (seit 15. Juni 2029) der slokwaischen Staatspräsidentin Zuzana Čaputová. Sie war nicht nur die erste Frau im Amt, sondern mit 45 Jahren auch das bisher jüngste slowakische Staatsoberhaupt. Čaputová galt als Hoffnungsträgerin einer Protestbewegung gegen Korruption und Amtsmissbrauch, die auf die Ermordung des Investigativjournalisten Ján Kuciak und seiner Verlobten Martina Kušnírová Anfang 2018 folgte. Ausführlicher Bericht im Karpatenblatt. karpatenblatt.sk/zuzana-caputova-ein-rueckblick-auf-ihre-praesidentschaft#slowakei #slovakia #eu #EUSDR ... See MoreSee Less
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