• Getting from one pearl to the other in a sustainable way.

    Getting from one pearl to the other in a sustainable way.0

    Touristic attractions along the Danube string together just like a pearl necklace. But how can tourists get from one pearl to the next in an environmentally friendly way – by bus, train, boat or bike? The EU INTERREG project Transdanube.Pearls is trying to answer this question and improve services, standards and information in line with

  • River across borders

    River across borders0

    The Thaya river connects Austria’s northernmost national park with the Czech Podyji National Park. Ever since the fall of the Iron Curtain, both countries have been cooperating to preserve Europe’s untouched wilderness. Looking at the National Park Centre Hardegg, you’ll have difficulty believing it belongs to the smallest town in Austria. It’s large, spacious and

  • Nothing touches us as the untouched

    Nothing touches us as the untouched0

    In order to be called National Park, an area has to fulfil certain conditions. These include a natural environment hardly influenced by human activity, and a focus on protecting this environment. The parks are largely untouched areas that can reveal their beauty. There are six National Parks in Austria, and danube connects visited three of


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WEIHNACHTEN | In Bosnien-Herzegowina leben Katholiken, serbisch-orthodoxe Christen und Muslime seit Jahrhunderten Tür an Tür. Dass Menschen verschiedener Glaubensrichtungen friedlich und respektvoll miteinander feiern, hat hier eine lange Tradition. Das zeigt sich gerade an Hochfesten wie Weihnachten, selbst wenn im Alltag religiöse Unterschiede politisch instrumentalisiert werden, um Konfliktlinien zwischen nationalen und konfessionellen Gruppen aufzureißen. Doch darauf haben viele Menschen keine Lust mehr. Bericht von Mirella Sidro aus Sarajevo für den Mitteldeutschen Rundfunk.www.mdr.de/nachrichten/welt/osteuropa/ostblogger/weihnachten-bosnien-herzegowina-100.html#BiH #weihnachten ... See MoreSee Less
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