• GoZero Danube

    GoZero Danube0

    The Danube, the most multinational river in the world, is constantly facing new dangers: One of the biggest pollution hazards is microplastics – it threatens fish and fish larvae in particular. It is estimated that around 40 tonnes of microplastics, i.e. pieces of plastic with a diameter of five millimeters or less, are transported through

  • HUMANS in the loop

    HUMANS in the loop0

    Iva Gumnishka: “You can always rely on women” Postcards from Afghanistan and Somalia hang on the wall, Arabic music plays in the background. Kurdish, Dari, Arabic, English and Bulgarian are spoken. A poster stands out: “Homeland destroyed, family gone, former friends became enemies, weeks pass, years of waiting, at the end at least a shelter

  • The Danube is my sea

    The Danube is my sea0

    Svetlana Mojic is an interior designer in Novi Sad, Serbia and designs yachts and other spaces on land, sea and air. She opened her “Salt & Water Design Studio” in 2011 as a sole proprietor. Since then she has dedicated herself to her business and today has a team of five employees. dc: Svetlana, how

  • DANUBIANA on new paths

    DANUBIANA on new paths0

    They are intended to create a new political level in the European Union – and lead to cross-border cooperation for common challenges: the macro-regional EU strategies. The DANUBIANA project, which celebrated its highlight on the occasion of the European Election Day in Ulm, aims to link these strategies on civil society issues. In 2009, the


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PAPRIKA | Donja Lokošnica ist ein Dorf in Serbien, das den Spitznamen „Welthauptstadt des Paprikas“ trägt, da fast alle der 1000 Einwohner mit dem Paprikaanbau beschäftigt sind. Die meisten dieser hängenden Stränge mit Paprikaschoten werden von den Einheimischen nach einer traditionellen Technik hergestellt, die von den älteren Dorfbewohnern mündlich von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben wurde. ... See MoreSee Less
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