On a female mission: Job search support for Ukrainian women in Germany

On a female mission: Job search support for Ukrainian women in Germany

Since 2020, the association ABLE e.V., founded on the initiative of several Ukrainian-born women, has been taking care of women from Ukraine. A valuable community has developed between refugees and helpers. We spoke with Iryna Gumenschuk, one of the seven founders. Act-Build-Lead-Engage – The association with this hopeful name ABLE e.V. promises what its name

Since 2020, the association ABLE e.V., founded on the initiative of several Ukrainian-born women, has been taking care of women from Ukraine. A valuable community has developed between refugees and helpers. We spoke with Iryna Gumenschuk, one of the seven founders.

Act-Build-Lead-Engage – The association with this hopeful name ABLE e.V. promises what its name means. Each letter stands for the voluntary engagement of women from the Danube countries for women from Ukraine.

And helping is so simple, as this project shows. It creates support services for Ukrainian women refugees and volunteers from the Danube region who are active in Ukraine and in the border regions, coping with the consequences of the war. In addition to a rapidly growing and active information platform with by now 12,000 Instagram followers, ABLE organises personal group meetings, which also form the core of this important association. Empowerment talks and helpful networking take place during brunches, nature excursions and seminars that they organise. The focus is on helping the women who have fled back into normal everyday life: “We give the affected women tips and tricks about finding a job and tell them about life in Germany. And thanks to funding from the Baden-Württemberg Foundation, we can also set up local MeetUps,”explains Iryna Gumenchuk, who was born in Ukraine and is a co-founder of ABLE e.V.

On her own initiative, she and six other Ukrainian-born women in Germany founded this meeting place during the pandemic. The decision was spot on, because it has been enthusiastically received. Motivation for more projects of this type has been kindled: “How active and full of energy these women are! Already after the first job application training, the women contacted us and told us that they had found a job. Despite their traumatising experiences, they remain positive and try to move on with their lives. I see great potential,” Gumenchuk continues.

The whole thing is financed by the Baden-Württemberg Foundation, among others. Privately, anyone who wants to can help: “We have developed different types of membership and are looking forward to welcoming new members. This way we can guarantee the work of the association. The donations enable us to continue supporting the women and young people from Ukraine directly,” explains Gumenchuk.

Because it is not only the Ukrainian women who learn from their colleagues from the Danube region: “Personally, I learn how strong, courageous and helpful they are. They don’t give up. That gives me motivation to keep working!” A giving and receiving towards peace, tolerance and humanity.

Mirella Sidro,

Daniel Hirsch

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