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  • Digitisation goes Danube

    Digitisation goes Danube0

    Professional qualification and entrepreneurial spirit are important factors in creating attractive jobs in the Danube region. Digitisation offers a particularly great potential for this. The project “Qualifying women for digitisation in the Danube region” lead by the Stuttgart section of Business and Professional Women wants to support this potential. It is supported by the Baden-Württemberg

  • ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE must pick up speed

    ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE must pick up speed0

    Although the economies of the countries of the Danube region are heterogeneous, they also have things in common, such as the high importance of industry – mainly represented by German companies – and labour shortages. The latter is to be alleviated by means of digitisation and automation, with artificial intelligence and cooperation with Germany playing

  • The Danube is my sea

    The Danube is my sea0

    Svetlana Mojic is an interior designer in Novi Sad, Serbia and designs yachts and other spaces on land, sea and air. She opened her “Salt & Water Design Studio” in 2011 as a sole proprietor. Since then she has dedicated herself to her business and today has a team of five employees. dc: Svetlana, how


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MOHÁCS | Eindrücke vom Donau Fisch-Festival im ungarischen Mohács. ... See MoreSee Less
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DZM | "Budapest in 4 Tagen - eine Erkundung": sehenswerte Kabinett-Ausstellung im Donauschwäbischen Zentralmuseum in Ulm!#dzmulm ... See MoreSee Less
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SLOWAKEI | Rückblick auf die fünfjährige Amtszeit (seit 15. Juni 2029) der slokwaischen Staatspräsidentin Zuzana Čaputová. Sie war nicht nur die erste Frau im Amt, sondern mit 45 Jahren auch das bisher jüngste slowakische Staatsoberhaupt. Čaputová galt als Hoffnungsträgerin einer Protestbewegung gegen Korruption und Amtsmissbrauch, die auf die Ermordung des Investigativjournalisten Ján Kuciak und seiner Verlobten Martina Kušnírová Anfang 2018 folgte. Ausführlicher Bericht im Karpatenblatt. #slovakia #eu #EUSDR ... See MoreSee Less
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