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  • ”Our region must play its part in Europe’s green transition.”

    ”Our region must play its part in Europe’s green transition.”0

    Gergely Karácsony, Budapest’s green-liberal Lord Mayor since October 2019, comes from Hungary’s rural north-east. With the convinced cyclist came a new style of leadership in the city: residents should be involved in decisions as much as possible. In mid-May, he announced his participation in the opposition’s primary election for the 2022 parliamentary elections. An interview

  • Acting for  environment and nature

    Acting for environment and nature0

    93 women and men from the Danube countries can call themselves Danube Guides. As special nature & culture guides for the Danube region, they are receiving further training and professionalisation in the project “Danube Guides Action”. The lead partner is the Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm. The aim is to establish a cross-border Danube Guides network in

  • Towns and villages tell green stories

    Towns and villages tell green stories0

    Which stories have worked well for you? What innovations have you come up with that are good for the climate? Exchanging on all kinds of climate protection projects in municipalities – that was the aim of the municipal climate congress organised in May by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment, the City of Ulm and

  • Why the sturgeon is a special fish for the Danube

    Why the sturgeon is a special fish for the Danube0

    Threatened by illegal fishing and caviar trade Sturgeons represent a natural heritage of the Danube River Basin and key indicator species for high ecological quality of rivers. Their dramatic decline in the last decades has become an issue of basin-wide importance that got the attention of the Danube countries and the European Commission. Through the


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MOHÁCS | Eindrücke vom Donau Fisch-Festival im ungarischen Mohács. ... See MoreSee Less
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DZM | "Budapest in 4 Tagen - eine Erkundung": sehenswerte Kabinett-Ausstellung im Donauschwäbischen Zentralmuseum in Ulm!#dzmulm ... See MoreSee Less
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SLOWAKEI | Rückblick auf die fünfjährige Amtszeit (seit 15. Juni 2029) der slokwaischen Staatspräsidentin Zuzana Čaputová. Sie war nicht nur die erste Frau im Amt, sondern mit 45 Jahren auch das bisher jüngste slowakische Staatsoberhaupt. Čaputová galt als Hoffnungsträgerin einer Protestbewegung gegen Korruption und Amtsmissbrauch, die auf die Ermordung des Investigativjournalisten Ján Kuciak und seiner Verlobten Martina Kušnírová Anfang 2018 folgte. Ausführlicher Bericht im Karpatenblatt. #slovakia #Eu #EUSDR ... See MoreSee Less
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