New Articles

  • The Danube region: a habitat with a future

    The Danube region: a habitat with a future0

    Projects for sustainability in the Baden-Württemberg Foundation’s programme “Perspective Danube”: The Danube is the most important lifeline in South-Eastern Europe. Due to industrialisation, intensive agriculture and pollution, it is heavily contaminated and its biological diversity is endangered. With the programme “Perspective Danube: Education, Culture and Civil Society”, the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung supports educational and exchange projects,

  • The Balkans – Home to Europe’s last living rivers

    The Balkans – Home to Europe’s last living rivers0

    It is quiet. You can hear nothing but the murmur of the river and the chirping of the birds. Although it is cloudy, every now and then a ray of sunlight will hit the surface of the water and make the water’s true colour shine. It shimmers in rich emerald green, and every few hundred

  • Focus on floodplains

    Focus on floodplains0

    The Danube Floodplain project aims to improve the transnational integrative water management and flood risk prevention while maximizing benefits for biodiversity conservation by restoring floodplains, combining classical and green infrastructure, natural retention measures, involving stakeholders. In the past decades, heavy alteration of wetland ecosystems characterized the land use. Since 1970, 90% of the global wetlands

  • “It matters to me that I meet people where they are”

    “It matters to me that I meet people where they are”0

    He is citizen of Germany and mayor of a city in Romania: Dominic Fritz (37), originally from Lörrach in the Black Forest, has been at the helm of Timișoara City Hall since September 2020. Fritz used to be head of cabinet of former German President Horst Köhler and grew fond of the western Romanian city


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MOHÁCS | Eindrücke vom Donau Fisch-Festival im ungarischen Mohács. ... See MoreSee Less
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DZM | "Budapest in 4 Tagen - eine Erkundung": sehenswerte Kabinett-Ausstellung im Donauschwäbischen Zentralmuseum in Ulm!#dzmulm ... See MoreSee Less
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SLOWAKEI | Rückblick auf die fünfjährige Amtszeit (seit 15. Juni 2029) der slokwaischen Staatspräsidentin Zuzana Čaputová. Sie war nicht nur die erste Frau im Amt, sondern mit 45 Jahren auch das bisher jüngste slowakische Staatsoberhaupt. Čaputová galt als Hoffnungsträgerin einer Protestbewegung gegen Korruption und Amtsmissbrauch, die auf die Ermordung des Investigativjournalisten Ján Kuciak und seiner Verlobten Martina Kušnírová Anfang 2018 folgte. Ausführlicher Bericht im Karpatenblatt. #slovakia #Eu #EUSDR ... See MoreSee Less
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