Two paths. One future. You decide!

Two paths. One future. You decide!

The Baden-Württemberg Foundation’s interactive graphic novel sends its heroine Anna on a journey through time to the year 2050. How can mobility be shaped in the long term? The Baden-Württemberg Foundation wants to motivate citizens to act sustainably. In order to address the question of sustainable mobility, the Foundation, together with the German environmental association

The Baden-Württemberg Foundation’s interactive graphic novel sends its heroine Anna on a journey through time to the year 2050.

How can mobility be shaped in the long term?

The Baden-Württemberg Foundation wants to motivate citizens to act sustainably. In order to address the question of sustainable mobility, the Foundation, together with the German environmental association BUND-BW, commissioned a study several years ago, which was presented at a symposium in June 2018. The three mobility scenarios of the future outlined in the study were examined in economic, ecological and social terms. The results of the study show that we should strongly change our mobility behaviour if we want to achieve the Paris climate goals and stop climate change.

How can we draw attention to the necessary change in our mobility behaviour?

In order to also interest young people in the topic of mobility and mobility behaviour, we had an interactive, audiovisual application developed, a graphic novel called “ANNA”. Together with the 19-year-old heroine Anna, we experience two adventures: We dive into Anna’s world, who works as an independent programmer in her hometown in Baden-Württemberg in the year 2050 and is accompanied everywhere by her artificial intelligence Jarvis. Two possible developments of our future can be played out, in which Anna receives an important, financially attractive order and suddenly everything goes haywire. The digital format allows us to determine Anna’s actions ourselves and make decisions about which future we want to live in. Energy supply and mobility play a decisive role in these adventures. Give it a go on:

Climate Protection Foundation

The Baden-Württemberg Climate Protection Foundation was established on 1 January 2021 with a share capital of 50 million euros as a subfoundation of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation.
The new foundation accompanies the state on its way to climate neutrality. This makes Baden-Württemberg a pioneer in Germany. The foundation has three core tasks: Firstly, it will initiate, tender and implement its own programmes for education and research in the field of climate protection in the region of Baden-Württemberg; secondly, climate protection projects in the region, Europe and worldwide will be conceived and implemented, also in cooperation with partners; thirdly, targeted public relations work will draw attention to the concerns of climate protection.

The Climate Protection Foundation supports the state of Baden-Württemberg in becoming climate neutral by 2040: it acts as a hub for compensating the CO2 emissions that are currently still unavoidable. The aim is to compensate for as much of the CO2 produced in Baden-Württemberg as possible through the participation of municipalities, companies and citizens. This will soon be possible very simply via the website of the Climate Protection Foundation or, from autumn onwards, via an app that is currently being developed by the Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Württemberg.

Daniel Hirsch

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